O António Granado acaba de deixar uma dica que me parece bastante interessante. É um livro (por enquanto apenas em .pdf, descarregar aqui) chamado Wikiworld, de Juha Suoranta e Tere Vadén, da Universidade de Tampere, Finlândia.
Na apresentação do livro, os autores não se limitam a falar do futuro da educação e mostram-se confiantes nos "amanhãs que cantam"...
In the digital world of learning there is a progressive transformation from the institutionalized and individualized forms of learning to open learning and collaboration. The book provides a critical view on the use of new technologies and learning practices in furthering socially just futures, while at the same time paying critical attention to the constants, or “unmoved movers” of the information society development; the West and Capitalism. The essential issue in the Wikiworld is one of freedom – levels and kinds of freedom. Our message is clear: we write for the radical openness of education for all.
Like noted, already Wikipedia content is replacing the need for "information-delivery" lectures. What is the best way of using time when students and teachers are gathered together in a situation when wiki-tools exist? What is the best way of using time when students and teachers are gathered together in a situation when a relatively completed Wikipedia exists? In a few decades, there will be no need to lecture in order to transfer information.