Learning 2.0 Conference

Vai começar amanhã e decorre até dia 16, na cidade chinesa de Shanghai , a Learning 2.0 Conference sob o tema "Communication, Collaboration, Connection". No sítio da Web dedicado à mesma, pode ler-se:

Doing “school” is changing more rapidly all the time. Technology is certainly one factor in these changes in education, the workplace, and life in general. As a result of innovations that we have all observed, students are more visually orientated and are considered digital natives to a growing degree. Educators see the implications of this and a need to re-define good teaching in response to this more dynamic environment. All agree that we must all expand our teaching/coaching/collaboration skills. Come join the search as we together build the future of schools.
O slide show abaixo pode dar uma ideia do que por lá se falará...

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